Tuesday, December 31, 2019
This is what it takes to make a meeting successful
This is what it takes to make a meeting successfulThis is what it takes to make a meeting successfulPeople tend to think of meetings in a binary way it was either a good meeting, or a bad one.I dont believe thats a fair assessment.First of all, in order to talk about what makes an effective company meeting, its important to define what defines a meeting. You could call two people talking in a room a meeting, and you could put a thousand people in an auditorium and call it a meeting. Which is precisely why so many companies struggle to define what makes a meeting effective, because any rule in one context can be good and in aleidher can be bad.Speaking up is a great example. In a small group, speaking up and sharing your ideas might be highly encouraged and seen as a good thing. In a large group, that same behavior may be seen as distracting or counterproductive.In psychology, we would call this a debate on truth. If you proclaim a generalized truth and dont realize the opposite of it is an active truth as well, then you havent actually gone that deep into the subject.I think the topic of meetings as a perfect example.Skipping past all the generalized industry-speak on best practices for meetings, here are a few things company leaders and members should consider when quantifying these time blocks1. Meetings are not always bad.There is a business stereotype that meetings are a waste of time.Theyre not.Plenty of good work is accomplished in meetings. The breakdown occurs when great opportunities arise and then people dont take advantage of them and sprint to put them into action. Which means, going back to our debate on truth, to insist that every meeting follows a rigorous agenda is to miss the other side of the coin, which is the spontaneity that happens when likeminded people are all in the same room.For example, Jeff Bezos, the prolific leader of Amazon has very specific company rules- and yet one of them is to not have tight agendas for meetings.At this years Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, he gave this glimpse of how he runs meetings when being interviewed by The Verges Executive Editor and columnist, Walt Mossberg.I make sure all my meetings do not have tight agendas, Bezos said. Tight agendas assume you know where youre going, which for a certain kind of meeting is right, like if youre doing your weekly business review and going through your metrics. But most meetings should be used for mild brainstorming. Thinking you know exactly where youre going is a lack of humility that doesnt let you invent, he said.Better agendas arent the answer. Most people get that wrong.Studies, in fact, show the opposite. Meetings that are lightning efficient with tight agendas accounting for every minute dont forge effective teams, just groups of individuals. The back and forth dialogue, giving everyone a chance to speak, understanding where people are coming from, are not what you do if youre optimizing efficient meetings. Its what you do if youre trying to create effective teams.2. The bigger you get (as a company), the harder you have to work to stay concise.Here at Morphic, I can say were not a very meeting-centric culture, which is by design.In biotech, particularly, I value our scientists spending time deep in thought and working hard to solve new problems, far more than I value how quickly they respond to an email- or how many meetings they attend.Now, what Ive seen in creating this sort of company culture is that even though we have less company meetings, the compromise is that our meetings are far more intense. Attendees are expected to put in the effort and bring their A-game, and the reason is so we can continue to protect each others time.In order to do this effectively, platforms like Slack allow everyone to know whats going on, at any moment. Theres no need to set aside meeting time to go around the room and share status updates because everyone already knows the information. Which means far more time can be spent in discussion, instead of disseminating the information and getting everyone up to speed.So, another thing leaders tend to get wrong is in thinking meetings are the appropriate time to update everyone on everything. Personally, Ive found this to be an unnecessary use of time. Be biased to more intense activities over shallow ones.3. What you bring to the table in a meeting can define you (for good or bad).This is a fairly brutal truth, but one thats worth acknowledging.I have been in plenty of employee evaluation discussions regarding employee performance, specifically high-potential employees. And Ive found that if an employee does something either extremely good or extremely bad during a meeting, its remembered forever.I remember early on in my career- very early on- I would mark meetings on my calendar at least a week in advance, so I could prepare. I dont mean for a presentation, I mean also when other people are presenting or bringing things to the table, beca use I wanted to provide thought-out commentary, make thoughtful critiques, and be a beneficial part of the team.Its unfortunate, but a good many employees dont take advantage of the opportunities company meetings provide.They just sort of show up, or assume they can wing it.But I am believer that if youre not going to be an active participant at a meeting, you might as well just not show up. At least that way youre not wasting your time. In the real world, theres more downside than upside in that situation.Its an opportunity cost.This post was originally published on Quora.com.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
How to Protect Yourself Before Resigning From a Job
How to Protect Yourself Before Resigning From a JobHow to Protect Yourself Before Resigning From a JobYou have been with a company for several years.At one point, you were viewed as indispensable to the company.Co-workers feared the idea of you leaving. You were key to the companys success. If you were gone, everything would fall apartBut lately, going to work seems more like getting the red carpet treatment. You show up, make a few calls, write a few emails, and all else runs like a well-oiled machine.There are no challenges left and no room for growth. You know in your heart it is time to resign and let someone new take over.And now, you have an incredible offer from another company that is too good to pass up.Here is how to protect yourself before resigning in order to preserve your reputation and positive relationships.1. Start to talk like a person who is interested in exploring new opportunitiesThe brde thing you want to do is quit without a warning. Showing up, quitting, and l eaving the same day is an unprofessional move that leaves a company scrambling to avoid issues.If you know you are going to leave the company or thinking strongly about it, let your boss know about your problem with not being given new challenges, salary increases, or growth opportunities.The boss can respond in two waysStart making plans to replace youMake a solid effort to provide you with growth opportunitiesBe careful how you word this. If you break trust with your company by announcing, I am leaving soon, they will help you exit the company before you are prepared.Ultimately, by being transparent, when it comes time to leave, your decision will earn you respect.2. Proactively plan ahead to help the company when you are goneAll bosses are concerned with experiencing backfill after an employee resigns. They fear the possible workload and chaos that may follow with your departure.Create an exit strategy that helps the staff and boss deal with your workload after you leave.Try and finish up as much work as possible, too.Sitting around doing nothing for the last two weeks of your job ends your time with the company on a sour note.You want to be seen as a respected professional from day one, all the way up to the week after you are gone. Leave the company wanting more of you after you are gone.Your positive reputation may even get you re-hired down the road if thats what you want.3. Get active on LinkedIn againTime to start inviting those 2nd-degree connections to chat. Time to start messaging your 1st-degree connections.And start reaching out to those 3rd-degree connections, too.Let them know what you have been up to and that you are going to be job searching soon.Never say anything negative about your current job. Only have good things to say, if connections start to ask about your current company.Show yourself as the model employee any company would find valuable.Be helpful. Pay it forward and see if you can help others in your job search situation.4. Avoid keeping it real or getting emotional about quittingThere can be a temptation to keep it real when leaving a company, especially when you are not happy at work.Avoid revealing that true, dark side behind your decision to leave. Never get emotional and start pointing fingers at the company for doing wrong by you.You are on your way out of the company, but that does not mean your former company has lost its importance to your career growth. You will need references one day for future job interviews.The easy way out is to just quit and leave, but isnt that just being lazy and avoiding confrontation?Go out like a professional, which is the same way you came in.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Sending an Email to Request a Reference
Sending an Email to Request a ReferenceSending an Email to Request a ReferenceHow you ask for a job reference can be as important aswho you select as a reference for a job. You want to select references who can portray your qualifications in the best possible light. You may write a letter or make a phone call, but its often most convenient to send an email message to request a recommendation for a job. How to Choose the Best References You probably know a lot of people who are willing to act as a reference for you and its a good idea to give some thought as towho will be the best at endorsing youfor this particular position. Its also vital to have alist of referenceswho will respond to reference requests in a responsive and timely manner. Professional referencesare a good choice, mainly because they have seen you in a corporate or work environment. They can attest to your work skills, and how you interact with colleagues and supervisors. They may even have a contact at your targe t company. Of course, there are times when using acharacter or personal referencemight be a good choice. If you dont have a lot of experience in your chosen field, or if your last supervisor wasnt your biggest fan, you may want to seek references from alternative sources. If someone you know personally has a contact at your target company, that can be very useful as well. Ask for Permission From the References After youve narrowed down your list of the best possible references for your job search, its time toask for permissionto include them as references. Its not a good idea to list someone as a reference on a job application if you havent asked them about being a reference for you. What to Include in the Email Message When writing to ask someone to provide a recommendation, be sure to reference your connection and explain why you feel they would make an ideal reference. Be sure to include your contact information, so they can easily get in nichts von if they need to ask ad ditional questions. Include a copy of your resume and details on the types of job youre interested in. This will provide the reference writer with some of the information they need to write an effective recommendation letter for you. The more information you can give the potential reference, the easier it will be for him or her to write a compelling letter endorsing your qualifications. If you need the reference by a specific date, be sure to mention It in your email. Give the person youre asking as much notice as possible. It can be time-consuming to write a good reference and you dont want them to have to rush to get it done. Writing Your Email Remember, people are busy, and most of us get tons of emails every day. Make sure the recipient knows this is a priority by utilizing the subject line of your email. Put your name and what youre asking for in the subject line of the message. For example, SubjectJeff Doe Reference Request will let the reader know who the message is from and what it is about, which will increase your chances of it being opened and read in a timely manner. Begin your request with asalutationand the persons name, followed by a comma or semicolon. On the next line, begin the body of the letter, where you ask for the person to be a reference. This is also where you should mention the nature and duration of your relationship, especially if the contact isnt one you are frequently in touch with. You should also provide some details about your job search, such as what the job is, why youre asking for their endorsement, and how this job is a good career move for you. To conclude, mention any additional materials you have attached, such as your resume and a copy of the job description or posting. Be sure to thank them for their time and consideration. Your emailclosingshould be followed by your name and contact information. Email Requesting a Reference for a Job Example (Text Version) SubjectPaul Katcher - Reference RequestDear Joan,I am in t he process of seeking a new position as a software architect and am hoping that you will provide a reference for me.Having worked with you for many years, I believe that you can provide potential employers with information about my skills that will enhance my chances of getting the job.I have enclosed an updated copy of my resume. Please let me know if there is additional information that you would need to act as a reference on my behalf.Thank you very much for taking the time to consider my request.Regards,Paul Katcher555-123-4567paulkemail.com Expand Remember to Follow Through People generally like to help others and appreciation is always important. When someone agrees to give you a reference, make sure you send athank youmessage right away. Its important to let the people in your network know that you appreciate their support and that you are willing to reciprocate if asked.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Salary Negotiation Isnt Pretty
Salary Negotiation Isnt PrettySalary Negotiation Isnt PrettyWhen it comes to salary, women tend to take the agreeable route to avoid negotiating. But it doesnt have to be a choice.By Lee E. Miller and Jessica MillerDavia Temin, president of Temin Co. and former head of corporate marketing for General Electric Capital, remembers the exact moment she realized almost everything is negotiable if you see it that way. When she got out of geschftlicher umgang school, she accepted her first job as assistant to the director of development at the Columbia Business School without really negotiating.While working there, however, she saw something that changed her view of what was possible. She had always assumed if you werent accepted at Columbia you either went to abedrngnisher business school or pursued something else. A few students, however, when they were rejected, sought out the director of admissions and asked what they could do to change her mind. To Davias amazement, the director did n ot simply send them away. She told them if they took four semesters of Advanced Calculus and Statistics and got an A in each, she would admit them. A handful of students took her up on her offer and were admitted. At that point Davia realized that, way more things were negotiable than I had previously thought. So she decided to learn how to negotiate.Some women are uncomfortable with the idea of negotiating. Yet all day, every day we negotiate, even though we dont necessarily think about it that way. While some people have more natural ability than others, no one is born a great negotiator. Negotiating is a skill that has to be learned. Many women who think they are not good negotiators simply have never been taught how. According to the highly successful women we interviewed for A Womans Guide to Successful Negotiating, there are a number of common mistakes that women makeJust AskMany women fail to recognize that opportunities to negotiate exist in almost every interaction we have, especially when it comes to compensation. They tend to look at situations in terms of decisions they have to make, rather than opportunities to negotiate. Women sometimes do not ask for things they want, out of fear of damaging a relationship. This fear often holds women back and prevents them from getting what they deserve. We call this the Empathy Trap. If you ask in the right way, you can get what you want and maintain or even strengthen your relationship. It never hurts to ask. Almost everything is negotiable if you see it that way. While you may not get everything you ask for, you will be amazed at what you can get.Put Yourself FirstBoth men and women find it difficult negotiating for themselves, but women often have an even harder time doing so. Even a woman who is an exceptional negotiator, and who has no trouble negotiating on behalf of her organization, will often have a difficult time when it comes to negotiating for herself. Many a woman was raised to believe that asking for things for herself was being selfish. Sometimes just recognizing the tendency to put others needs ahead of your own is sufficient to avoid making this mistake. If you do your homework, you will know what is fair and reasonable to ask for. Dont settle for less. One technique that can help is to see yourself as negotiating for someone else. Think about what you would do if you were advocating on behalf of someone whom you care about. Then do it.Say NoWomen also sometimes have difficulty saying no, particularly when they are dealing with someone they care about. Because women place a high value on relationships, they do not like saying no. They have a difficult time believing that if they say no, it wont negatively affect the relationship. But being able to say no is critical when you are negotiating. It is frequently necessary to say no before you can get to yes. Successful negotiators know when and how to say no.You do not have to say no loudly or aggressively. If, however, an o ffer is less than you think it should be, you need to point that out politely but firmly. If the person you are dealing with cant, or wont, improve the offer, you need to be willing to walk away. Being willing to say no to something that does not meet your needs will often result in the person you are dealing with finding a way to satisfy those needs, at least if you are flexible and willing to work with him.Saying no is not personal. It is simply a way to exchange information. Looked at that way, saying no becomes a lot easier, as does accepting it from someone with whom you are negotiating.These common negotiating mistakes are relatively easy to correct once you become aware that you are making them. Alexis Glick, former anchor and vice president of business news at the Fox Business Network, captured the essence of what negotiating can do for you, when she stated If you know how to negotiate you control your own destiny. You dont have to rely on others to do it for you. Learning t o negotiate will empower you. Negotiating well will help you get what you deserve, not only in business but in your personal life as well. Once you master the art of negotiating, you will come to recognize that the only real limits to what you can achieve are those you place on yourself.EDITORS NOTE This article is adapted from the just-released A Womans Guide to Successful Negotiating (McGraw-Hill, 2010) by Lee E. Miller and Jessica Miller.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Military Medical Standards - Spine and Hips
Military Medical Standards - Spine and gefragtsMilitary Medical Standards - Spine and HipsWhen a recruit goes to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station), he/she will be thoroughly tested and evaluated medically as well as take the ASVAB. Prior to this meeting with military doctors,whose sole job is to see if recruits have any medical issues that will prevent them from military service, the recruiter will pre-approve candidates after the recruit fills out medical questionnaires. Many times, recruits will need waivers due to medical procedures, surgeries, injuries, illnesses, and any congenital defects. Many of these will disqualify a recruit from joining the military, however depending upon the severity of the issue, waivers may be offered to recruits on a case by case basis. The following is a list of spinal and hip defects, injuries, and histories that may be disqualifying from military service Disqualifying Medical Conditions of the Spine The causes for rejection for appoi ntment, ?enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver) are an authenticated history of Current or history of ankylosing spondylitis or other inflammatory spondylopathies is disqualifying. Ankylosing Spondylitis or AS, is a form of arthritis that typically affects the spine, but other joints can suffer from similar inflammation, pain, and discomfort. In more advanced cases, inflammation can lead to fusing of the vertebrae, called ankylosis. This is basically bone formation in the spine that causes immobility between the joints also known of spinal fusing. Inflammatory Spondylopathies are other diseasesofthevertebraeorspinalcolumn. General Spinal and Hip Pain and Weakness Current or history of any condition, including, but not limited to the spine or sacroiliac joints, with or without objective signs that Prevents the individual from successfully following a physically active vocation in civilian life or that is associated with local or referred pain to the extremities, muscular spasm, postural deformities, or limitation of motion is disqualifying.Requires external support or braces is disqualifying.Requires limitation of physical activity or frequent treatment is disqualifyingHistory of congenital fusion, involving more than two vertebral bodies is disqualifying.Any surgical fusion of spinal vertebrae is disqualifying. Types of Spinal Curvatures The spine has three types of curves lordotic, kyphotic (the outward curve of the thoracic region), and scoliotic (sideways curving). A small degree of both kyphotic and lordotic curvature is normal. Lumbar Scoliosis is a side-to-side curve in the spine in the lumbar region (L1 through L5). Degenerative scoliosis is a result of wear and tear on the discs and joints of the spine. It is the most common type of scoliosis in adults, and usually happens in the lumbar (lower) spine. Thoracic scoliosis Though more rare than Lumbar Scoliosis, Thoracic scoliosis is a curvature of the spine within the mid-back or thoracic region (rib care area). Current deviation or curvature of spine from normal alignment, structure, or function is disqualifying if - The Scoliosis prevents the individual from following a physically active vocation or sports in civilian life. - It interferes with the proper wearing of a uniform or military equipment. - It is symptomatic. - There is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, or kyphosis and lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the Cobb method is disqualifying for military service. Kyphosis is a deformity of the vertebrae in the upper back. This bone thinning disorder can be caused by a variety of issues but can results in crushed vertebrae (compression fractures). Lordosis is an increased inward curving of the lumbar spine (just above the buttocks). Spinal Fractures, Herniations, or Dislocations Current or history of fractures or dislocation of the vertebraeis disqualifying. A compression fracture, in volving less than 25 percent of a single vertebra is not disqualifying if the injury occurred more than 1 year before examination and the applicant is asymptomatic. A history of fractures of the transverse or spinous processes is not disqualifying if the applicant is asymptomatic. History of juvenile epiphysitiswith any degree of residual change indicated by x-ray or kyphosis is disqualifying. Current herniated nucleus pulposus (disks)or history of surgery to correct this condition is disqualifying. The most frequent cause of a herniated disk is age-related degeneration that develops over time as the spine bears the strain and stress of everyday life. Certain factors, however, may encourage or exacerbate a herniated disk, such as - Excess weight or obesity, lack of exercise, sudden lifting or compression injuries, such as those that may occur during a motor vehicle accident, fall or high-impact sport, even smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and genetics. Spina Bifida Current or history of spina bifida when symptomatic, if there is more than one vertebra level involved or with dimpling of the overlying skin is disqualifying. History of surgical repair of spina bifida is disqualifying. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord dont form properly. Current or history of spondylolysis (congenitalor acquired and spondylolisthesis (congenital or acquired) are disqualifying. Derived from Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 6130.3, Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction, and DOD Instruction 6130.4, Criteria and Procedure Requirements for Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Dos and Donts of Resume Thesaurus
The Dos and Donts of Resume Thesaurus Their skills are demonstrated right there on the webpage. There are a couple dozen different resume templates readily available online, but a lot of them suck. Whether your resume is already online or still in paper form, its likely to wind up in a database sooner or later and you should make certain it comes up in the most suitable searches. Because most resumes feed a good deal of information to the reader its great practice to use a muster font so the resume is simple for the reader to absorb. What You Dont Know About Resume Thesaurus Write the remainder of your attorney resume first, so you will have tons of precedent to draw on. If youre applying for work, I am assuming that youre hard-working and that you have goals, you dont have to set them on your resume, Case states. Furthermore, the majority of people struggle to acquire in the hiring managers head. Our writers also undergo a string of other training that could truly convince us they are great for the job. In addition, we encourage them to be committed to the work just as how we are dedicated to helping college students get the high quality college papers they want. The Basics of Resume Thesaurus When you begin applying for jobs you may want to consider what skills you possess that might be a tie breaker. Communication skills are required for each and every job. If it is possible to list several of these category-level abilities, they may be employed on the resume in a different section. Thus, choose the skills shown in the work description. Writing is one important process which best represents the on-line world. For the reason, weve provided the complete information about the HPSC AE Syllabus together with Haryana PSC AE Exam Pattern. MyPerfectResume has the tools that you need to make your resume shine. Its also important to concentrate on skills youll use if you receive the job which youre applying for. In other words, employing an Experi enced Resume It speeds up the practice of producing a winning resume and ensures that its going to stick out in the application practice. All our resume templates are in Microsoft Word, that is the simplest program to use. Evidently, if youre asking for a position in the computer technology field, you wouldnt list skills like underwater basket weaving or gardening. Thats a terrific first step. Nevertheless, you can still showcase what youve done in a manner that will highlight your capacity to rise to bigger challenges. The very first step to including your technology-related skills is to earn a very simple list. How to Choose Resume Thesaurus Hiring managers will need to scan your resume and discover the information that they need in record time so that they are able to move on to the next resume. Resumes could be organized in various ways. Employing action verbs in your resume is a very simple method to dramatically enhance the potency of your resume. Knowing and accura tely utilizing those words demonstrates you have the necessary hard skills. Power words are used for many reasons. Quite simply, the proper emotional trigger words take precisely the same voreingestellt message to all new heights. Therefore, you are going to want to look at adding results and result-oriented language working with a few of these words. You also ought to make sure to use important keywords and phrases. Among the ways to raise its effectiveness is by utilizing power words. It then offers to locate the definitions for every one of those synonyms. Introducing Resume Thesaurus As a consequence, youll also be communicating your mastery of various essential skills In French classes, you are inclined to learn the most often seen, basic terms. Answer a few easy questions and get free, personalized proposals within one day. If thats the case, see both law school resume examples below.
Monday, December 2, 2019
17 new jobs just for you! ?? Plus why you should get on our VIP list, ASAP
17 new jobs just for you ?? Plus why you should get on our VIP list, ASAP We need gender neutral dress codes in the workplace. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no farther than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at humorlosigkeit Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant a href=https//www.huffpost.com/entry/women-ernst-young-how-to-dress-act-around-men_n_5da721eee4b002e33e78606a target=_blankleaked it to the Huffington Post/a, reinforced gendered stereotypes of how women should dress and present themselves at work. Some highlights, which are actually lowlights in terms of equality in the workforce/pul class=ee-ul ee-ulliA list of appearance blunders for women to avoid, including no-nos like too-short skirts, plunging necklines, bottle blonde, flashy jewelry/liliOutfit and grooming suggestions to minimize distractions from your skills sic set like good haircut, manicured nails, and well-cut attire/liliAdvice on how to dress dont flaunt your body sexuality scrambles the mind/li/ulpThe women, there to invest in their professional development, were not learning how to be better leaders or combat sexist stereotypes at work, but instead were being lectured to about what to wear and how to groom themselves./ppWhile the presentation wasnt the official EampY dress code, it does highlight bias and assumptions made around gender that women have to manage. And this particular training focused only on the male-female binary. Employees who identify as transgender or nonbinary might feel even more burdened by dress code policies based on gender. /ppImagine how much more productive all employees, regardless of gender, could be, if they werent focused on avoiding dress code policing./ppTraditional gender-based dress codes can also discriminate on the grund of race. Many grooming guidelines for women, including rules on acceptable haircuts, are extra bur dens for black employees, particularly those who want to wear their hair in natural styles. a href=https//daily.jstor.org/how-natural-black-hair-at-work-became-a-civil-rights-issue/ target=_blankIn 2010, Chastity Jones got a job offer/a to be a customer service representative from Catastrophe Management Solutionsbut the offer was contingent on her cutting off her locs. When she refused, the company took back the job offer, and when she sued, with the help of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, she lost her case in 2013 and again in 2016, when her appeal was dismissed. /ppAnd beyond forcing women of color to maintain their hair in a way thats deemed acceptable, gender-based dress codes can also discriminate against people of certain religions. Employees whose faiths keep them from cutting their hair or necessitate that they wear certain clothing (including head coverings) shouldnt be forced to adapt their beliefs to what their employer deems professionally appropriate for a woman at work./ppThe possibility for gender-, race-, and faith-based discrimination posed by prescriptive employee dress codes has a href=https//www.hrc.org/resources/workplace-dress-codes-and-transgender-employees target=_blankled the Human Rights Campaign to recommend/a that if an employer has a dress code, it should modify it to avoid gender stereotypes and enforce it consistently. Requiring men to wear suits and women to wear skirts or dresses, while legal, is based on gender stereotypes. Alternatively, codes that require attire professionally appropriate to the sekretariat or unit in which an employee works are gender-neutral./ph3Okay, So Gender Neutral Dress Codes Sound Good. What Do They Look Like?/h3pIn their simplest (which, in my opinion, also means best) form, gender neutral dress codes at the workplace can take the form of General Motors dress policy. When now-CEO Mary Barra was VP of global human resources for the automotive giant, a href=https//qz.com/work/1242801/gms- dress-code-is-only-two-words/ target=_blankshe replaced their 10-page dress code with two words/a Dress appropriately. /ppIn the article linked above, the author explains why Barras dress code works so well She avoided assumptions, instead choosing to trust her employees judgment, which in turn empowered all employees and was particularly impactful for women. /ppFor workplaces that need more specificity about what employees can wear, HR should follow in the footsteps of other institutions that have successfully adopted gender-neutral dress codes. Namely, high schools./ppAfter a wave of protests, social media outrage, and thoughtful advocating, a href=https//www.dispatch.com/nachrichten/20180919/more-schools-revamping-sexist-dress-codes target=_blankseveral schools have revamped their dress codes/a, which tended to put undue burden on female students. New guidelines apply to all students, regardless of their gender. Instead of specifying the length of skirts versus shorts or the widt h of a cami strap versus a tank top, a href=https//www.usatoday.com/story/life/parenting/2019/07/15/gender-neutral-dress-code-gets-approval-roanoke-virginia-school-district/1734009001/ target=_blanka Virginia high schools new gender-neutral dress code/a simply defines what must be covered clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately three to four inches in length to the upper thighs./ppstrongWhat does that look like at work?/strong /ppSpell out specific dress code rules by article of clothing, not by gender, use non-gendered pronouns, and make sure that any grooming guidelines could apply to anyone. Dont place burdens on anyone based on their gender, and try to empower employees to manage their own appearance in accordance with professional expectations./ppFor business casual workplaces, try this, a href=https//www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2018/09/28/gender-based-dress-codes-human-resources-diversity-and-legal-impact /355d9f064f53 target=_blankadapted from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment./ppFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. /ppAnd for casual workplaces, which are on the risea href=http//blog.indeed.com/2019/08/20/casual-dress-in-workplace/ target=_blankaccording to Indeed/a, 50% of companies allow employees to dress casually every day, as of 2019go with something simple, like this, a href=https//www.thebalancecareers.com/simple-sample-dress-codes-for-business-attire-1917931 target=_blankadapted from The Balance/a Dr ess comfortably for work, but please do not wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism./ppNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive./pp----/ppstrongWant to share behauptung tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code/p p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https//assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yMjEwMDE3Ni9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhw aXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ /ppbr//p
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